Nutrition Consulting 2

During your appointment our nutritional practitioners assess your health and nutrition by using key questions, and using your health history. Questionnaires, and tools may be used to assess aspects of health, such as digestion, nutrient deficiencies, and any possible likely factors associated with disease.

Assessment of your health status, nutritional needs and deficiencies, as well as specific guidance about foods to consume or avoid, specific diets, food and other sensitivities, supplements and vitamins that may be beneficial and more, are discussed during your consultation.

Verdure’s nutritional consultants understand the importance of a realistic change, and they aim to support clients through this process, if changes are indicated. Nutrition services may be covered by your private health insurance plan.

Lots of questions?

Book a complimentary consultation

305-55 Erb Street E, Waterloo, Ontario   •    519.742.0691

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